We get this question a lot! Gymnastics, Tumbling, and Ninjastics, we have got you covered!
Here are the basic rules for gymnastics attire here at Let It Shine:
Snug fitting athletic clothing works best like a leotard or shorts and t-shirt.
Hair should be pulled back out of the face
No jeans, loose shirts or dangle jewelry
Most classes are taught barefoot, except Ninjastics. Sneakers are preferred.
Cheer shoes are welcome in the Tumble Classes if desired, but not necessary.
Clothing should cover the belly
LEOTARDS! For girls, the preferred attire is the leotard (leo), see images below . It is snug fitting and allows the coach to easily see skill forms and spot appropriately when necessary. Shorts can be added to the leo if desired. We have really cute leos in The Little Shop located in our Main Gym and Tumble Gym offices. However, it is not required and not all girls like the leo's. Side note: Recently potty trained preschoolers can have trouble with the leo if needing to potty during class, therefore, we recommend shorts and t-shirt for those little gymnasts.
SNUG FITTING ATHLETIC CLOTHING: Shorts, Leggings, or athletic pants with a snug fitting t-shirt or tank top (tucked in) are always a great option for both boys and girls. We do ask that tummies be covered. Gymnasts are often upside down doing handstands, cartwheels and swinging from bars. Loose shirts can be a hazard and make it difficult to spot skills.