Tanner Richards
President + Owner
615-369-3547 ext 212
Coach Tanner, aka. Coach T., started his gymnastics career as a youngster, competing from age 6 - 12. Coach T started coaching at age 15. He then took a break from coaching to pursue higher education, receiving a BA with Honors in Theology at Belfast Bible College in Northern Ireland.
Coach T shortly returned to the gym to start coaching again and helping dad in the business operations of Let It Shine Gymnastics.
Coach T is married with 3 beautiful daughters and loves travelling with them, especially to Maine.
Personal skill you use the most: Listening
Best Piece of Advice: "Son, fear the Lord our God and love the Godhead with all of your being, and then lead your family by serving." - From my father
Favorite Quote:
"Aujourd'hui n'est pas la fin; car la vie est une rose, avec des pétales et des épines ensemble. Les deux le rendent complet. Alors nous chercherons la paix, et partager la lumière du Christ. "
Translation: "Today is not the end; for life is a rose, with petals and thorns. The two make it complete. So we shall seek The Peace, and share the light of Christ."